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Case Study – St Katharine Docks

Flexible berth layout provides a maritime centre for international events based in London

Camper & Nicholsons Marinas (C&NM) won the bid to provide a holistic consultancy and management service, which included undertaking a full condition report, complete marina re-design, capital costing estimates, tender adjudication and project management, through to operations and rebranding.

In March 2015, C&NM were initially commissioned by the owner to complete a full condition and operational review. The conclusion of that review was the marina required significant investment and a total reconfiguration and modernisation of the marina was proposed.

In April 2016, C&NM was awarded the redesign and refurbishment of the marina, undertook the project management supervision, and subsequent final operational management and full Camper & Nicholsons branding of the marina on behalf of the new owners.

This is a good example of C&NMs range of knowledge, skills and expertise being used from the very start of a project, including planning authority consultations, through to the successful operational management of the ‘new’ marina; all whilst continuing to operate the marina and manage the expectations of all the stakeholders involved, including boat owners, who had to remain in the marina. Despite these tight constraints of the project, its central London location with complex logistics and the restrictions on working times, the project was delivered both on programme and within budget.

Added value:
  • Increased berthing capacity with the new configuration
  • C&NM's redesign introduced a modern configuration, better utilisation of water space and flexible berthing
  • C&NM obtained competitive pricing from contractors for new pontoon and utility equipment, resulting in a rise in berthing rates
  • New layout and updated utilities provided delivers a premium destination feel
  • Revised berth layout provides an improvement in security and yacht owners privacy
  • The refurbishment included the repair and embellishment of the existing basin and quays which are historically important
Operational Successes:
  • C&NM’s immediate actions, with the introduction of operational efficiencies, cost controls and improved management systems and procedures, resulted in an immediate P&L improvement
  • Increased the berthing renewals & occupancy
  • Significantly improved revenues and controlled costs
  • Recruited, introduced and trained a new management to the team, resulting in improved performance and customer service
  • Implemented necessary Health and Safety improvements
Commercial Property - Added Value:
  • Transformation of a basic under utilised real estate portfolio with views over a degrading and under occupied marina
  • Revived marina retail sector with high end F&B, hotel and entertainment venues
  • Re-energised the destination into a highly popular central London location next to the iconic Tower Bridge and the Tower of London
  • Flexible berth layout provides a maritime event centre for London based & international events such as Clipper Round the World Race, Classic Yacht Rally, London on Water, as well as discrete invitation-only yacht displays
  • A vibrant, attractive, well managed marina has driven improved commercial occupancy on-shore, with increased rental values

Commercial Property - Improving the wider St Katharine Docks Estate, its perception and value

Following the significant investment in the entire St Katharine Docks estate by the current owners of the property, the Camper & Nicholsons design and operation is now paying dividends, with the number of new commercial, retail and F&B tenants being attracted to the vibrancy of the location.

The refurbished marina is providing the estate with a USP which attracts tenants who want an inspiring and unconventional setting for their business in Central London.

The transformed development, which has numerous new on-shore retail, bars and restaurants, is focused around the centre piece of the marina, now managed and branded by Camper & Nicholsons Marinas.

Occupancy in the marina has grown in to close to capacity and the shoreside tenancies, which were fully subscribed from day one, remain 100% occupied but with improved per-square-foot rental rates.

For a list of our current and recent marina planning, design, consultancy, development projects around the world, click here.

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